A direct-to-video sequel (the first of four planned), Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure, was released Oct 8, 2013, and introduces Humphrey and Kate's pups: Stinky and Claudette, the alphas, and Runt, an omega. Despite the subtitle, the film barely involves holiday overtones and focuses more on everyone's attempts at rescuing Runt from King, a Social Darwinist wolf determined to take the territories for himself. The next, The Great Wolf Games, released March 25, 2014, concerned the pups' participation in the eponymous sporting event in a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits (particularly Claudette who connects with a rival team's leading pup Fleet). On October 7, 2014, Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave released on DVD. This time Runt decides to help a she-wolf named Daria who was chased out of her pack when she was young. As of 2017, seven sequels have been released.
Alpha And Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure Torrent