Arrived at the Custom-house late in the evening,we found the doors closed and locked. Williamssaid to me, "What would you do?" "Break thedoors open," I replied. The general, who could noteasily get rid of his old, regular-army habits, ordered"Sappers and miners to the front." No doubt thesappers and miners thus invoked would have speedilyappeared had we had any, but two volunteer regimentsand a battery of light artillery were the extentof our force that night. I turned to the adju[25]tantof the Fourth Wisconsin, and asked if he had anyaxes in his regiment. He at once ordered up twoor three men. We found the weakest-looking door,and attacked it. As we were battering it in, the majorof the Thirty-first came up, and took an axe fromone of the men. Inserting the edge in the cracknear the lock, he pried it gently, and the door flewopen. I said, "Major, you seem to understand thissort of thing." He replied, "Oh! this isn't the firstdoor I have broken open, by a long shot. I was onceforeman of a fire-company in Buffalo."
IN SO ME SENSE farming is peaceful -- out here there are never traffic jams, few people, and not much noise in comparison to the city. Murder and rape are less frequent than in the country. And there is no X-rated theater, crack house, or all-night hotel outside my window. We hear the sirens from town, not vice-versa. Many of the greatest philosophers in the West have noted that rustic morality stems from the simple absence of temptation.
Audaces 10 Crack